Episcopal Church Women
The purpose of the Episcopal Church Women is to empower the women of The Episcopal Church to carry out Christ's work throughout the world. This ministry is open to all women of the congregation. They fund raise to provide scholarships and other charitable giving.
Scripture teaches us to live out a generous response to God’s abundance in all that we have and with all that we are. That’s why the purpose of the stewardship committee and the focus of its programs is to develop methods and means to call people into personal growth as people with capacity to give, serve, and care generously.
Christian Education & Development
The mission of our Christian Education program is to make children aware of Jesus Christ and his love for Christians and humanity, at large. Parishioners can volunteer to teach Sunday School classes and prepare the children for participation in worship during Sunday services and on certain feast days and celebrations.
Youth Group
The Youth Group is a ministry open to all of the youth of the parish, ages 12 to 20. The ministry serves as a vehicle for young people to learn more about their relationship with God, faith and their role in the church through a wide range of activities.
Bible Study
Bible Study studies the bible through group reading and discussion of the scriptures with our Rector.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
This group promotes the fellowship of the men in the congregation. They undertake projects such as a men’s breakfast, the super Bowl Party and Parish Picnic.
Trinity Divine Praise Dance Ministry
The Trinity Divine Praise Dance Ministry was created with the purpose of worshiping and ministering, through expressive movement of the body, the message of the Lord. The ladies of Trinity Divine's mission is to inspire and uplift the followers of Jesus Christ and bring them closer to having an emotional and spiritual connection with him.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
They knit, crochet and quilt shawls for the sick and shut-ins.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
The Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest at services administering the chalice and helping with the reading of lessons and prayers as needed. Training is done in house.
Alter Guild
A group that meets Saturday mornings as scheduled to prepare the church for services. They decorate to church for holidays. If you like to polish, iron, clean and arrange flowers this could be the group for you.
Outreach Committee
The goal of the outreach committee is to bring the Good News of God’s love, salvation and care for humanity into the surrounding towns, cities and communities. They also focus on keeping college students who are parishioners connected to the church by raising funds and providing prayers and support.
Ushers and Greeters
A group that is scheduled to help at services by handing out bulletins, greeting people as they enter the church, taking up the collection, assisting people at Eucharist and directing people to wherever they need to go
Trinity St. John's Choir
The Choir is comprised of women and men who love to sing! The Choir leads the service in singing hymns which range from traditional 14th and 15th Century hymns to 21st Century church music.